Hi Friends,
Lindy here…writing from my bedroom, staying in, staying safe, retreating, restoring, reconnecting, doing my part….
And over here feeling a global shift, in a very very good way.
I know there are people who may not feel it just yet, but it’s a wonderful place to be, so I’m going to appreciate every feel-good second, riding this positive high for as long as possible, and I’m going to do my very best to induce you to come along with me…
Here me out.
A few weeks ago, the global energy vibe that I felt rise within me, through me, and inevitably flow from me, was heavy, fear-based, and panic-ridden. As the uncertainty grew, and doors closed, borders closed, everything closed…the world became weary. Global leaders spoke to the masses with sullen tactful urgency to hide out, hole in, and to just plain STOP IT ALL.
Did you feel it?
You know the feeling. Anyone alive in March 2020 will never ever forget that feeling. With crystal clarity, we will remember where we were, who we were with, how many rolls of toilet paper we had…when that electric current of doom shot across the atmosphere.
‘All stars are born in the dark, and all darkness dies in the light’
And then, something magical happened.
We witnessed the very best of our human nature rise to the occasion. We experienced the world coming together for the betterment of all, to save our people and our planet.
In doing the work (and by the ‘work’ I mean the inside stuff, the mindset stuff, the focusing on the light in the darkness stuff), we began to see, and become a part of, the global healing that is blanketing all beings at this time.
And over here, in my socially isolated haven, wrapped in the arms of my family, grateful for our health, safety, and wellness, I knew it was time to do my part by practicing my preach. I slowed down (as mandated), and allowed myself to feel it all. I practiced mindfulness to calm my soul. With razor sharp attention, I focused on the good, the beauty, the ingenuity and innovation, the love, the peace, the abundance. I spoke empowering words of affirmation to myself and my family, strengthening our mindset, and our self-talk….and EVERYTHING began to shift.
My biggest job, I realized, was to keep the peace within my heart, and within my household. My mission was to spread love & light in a moment of global despair.
Here’s how we can save our sanity, strengthen our mindset, keep the peace, and contribute to a global positive energy shift, during these unprecedented times…
A reminder to you, to me, to all…we are human. We have been shocked into the reality of global distress, the reality of what truly matters in the life, the fragility of our existence, the delicacy of our planet. The emotions that we feel ~ they may change by the day, the moment. And whatever we are feeling, it’s OK. None of us have done this before. There is no right or wrong way to feel about it. When we fight our emotions, it only leads to more suffering. So…
Give love to your feelings and allow them to flow through you like a river. Step into your grace, and shower yourself with self-compassion.
Be loving with yourself. Be kind. Feel it all.
And then? Let go, let love, and keep moving forward.
Wanting to meditate for a long time, but just too busy, too scheduled, too much going on? Well here we are, most of us now blessed with an abundance of time. And what we do with that time will have a major effect on how we feel, and how we experience what’s happening in the world right now.
Meditation is a beautiful mindfulness practice that helps us to quiet our minds, to nestle ourselves into the beautiful present moment (without judgment), giving ourselves time to pause and reflect, before we respond.
And in this space of pause and stillness, all of the answers are born. It’s where creativity and infinite intelligence live, where we are able to connect with our higher and deeper selves. Within this space of silence, comes the peace we all so desire.
And finally, within this space of stillness & presence, we are refueled, recharged, and ready to step back into our lives with renewed energy.
Gratitude helps us to find peace and joy in the present moment.
Gratitude gives us perspective, reminding us of what’s important, and what’s not.
Gratitude takes us away from the false power of ego, turning feelings of scarcity into feelings of abundance.
Gratitude supports the growth of our inner dialogue, drawing awareness to, and releasing thoughts of ‘I am not good enough, ‘I do not have enough’ and simply put, ‘I am not enough’, to more encouraging, loving-kindness self-talk, such as ‘I am more than good enough’, ‘I have all I need and more’, and, ‘I am enough’.
Gratitude brings us out of the fear, and back to the good stuff. The beautiful stuff. Our blessings. The point and purpose of it all.
Finding gratitude, in 'good' times and in 'bad' times, draws us into the beautiful present moment, attracts what we want, betters our relationships and even improves our health.
Start your gratitude practice today. Find some time to sit in silence and stillness, and write down 3 things that you are grateful for in this very moment.
Grateful for this time of enforced stillness, this global pause, a much needed clearing of the noise, the chaos the busyness, to connect with my family on a deep & meaningful level, and to savour the small joys, the beauty and power of the small & simple, and the in between moments.
Grateful for my health, wellness and safety. Grateful to wake up with husband and my children, healthy and vibrant, safe & protected.
Profound, eternal gratitude for the front line workers who are risking their lives to save lives, those who are working day in and day out to heal our people.
In a moment’s time, our lives have all shifted to a new reality, where we are navigating new unchartered waters, playing out new roles and functions bestowed upon us overnight.
For me, that means, working from home with family ever-present, learning how to homeschool my kids, while trying to figure out how to keep my business afloat & thriving with new uncertainties, while running a household, while managing big emotions and big energies (9 YO and 7 YO energies, you know the kind), etc, etc etc.
In creating this new normal for ourselves, we need to keep our self-talk strong, loving, forgiving and empowering, to show up in our best forms for ourselves, our families, our workplaces, and essentially the world.
Positive affirmations, in my humble opinion, are the very best way to help with this.
Affirmations are simply a stream of thought running through our minds, affirming beliefs to be true. Once aware of our self-talk, we can replace the negative with the positive. When we hear that voice creep in with a sly little ‘not good enough’, we can take notice, say NO THANK YOU, and replace it with the opposite ‘I AM MORE THAN GOOD ENOUGH. I AM WORTHY! I AM LOVED!’
In simple terms, affirmations (whether positive or negative - WE get to choose), become a big part of our belief system, shaping how we see ourselves, how we view others, and the greater world around us.
Looking to start your affirmation practice today? Here’s a humble plug, check out my business baby, Love Powered Co, for the affirmations that are as beautiful as they are meaningful…to guide you and your loved ones on a self-love journey. XO
Bonus! Healing mantra (on repeat!) for you to start with today…
Now, take a deep breath, and repeat after me:
I am safe
I am healthy
I am protected
I have everything I need to take care of myself and my loved ones, as the world continues to heal
Thank you for my blessings
So beautiful beings, know that this message, these words, this entire article was written for you, yes, but it was also written for me, from the heart, as I continue to heal out loud during these unprecedented times. Hey, what works for me, may just work for you.
So, for more tips and tricks and info on how to keep your mindset strong, and how to love yourself more fiercely amidst this global pandemic…let’s stay close.
Love, Lindy XO